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The 57th Anniversary of UNY, Automotive Engineering Education Department held Free Motorcycle Services and Social Service
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Saturday (22/8/2020), Free Motorcycle Service which was held for two days on 22-23 August 2020 in Ngalang Village, Gedang Sari, Gunung Kidul is a social service activity held in the series of 57th Anniversary of Yogyakarta State University . Therefore, the UNY Faculty of Engineering Team organized this activity as well as community service activities supported by the Community Service Program (PPM). Because this activity was supported by PPM, the lecturer team involved all students, especially the Garuda Team, to help as technicians in this guard. With the first hope, of course, to support the 57th Anniversary of Natalais, the second is to provide services to the community related to automotive, and the third is to provide services to the community in easing the burden on the community affected by Covid-19.
"Therefore, we also invite friends from the industry, especially from Prestone, to support this activity. In this activity we also hope that the community is able to get to know more about UNY, especially automotive and they have satisfaction in our services, and one day they or we can participate again with other activities. " Said Dr. Ir. Zainal Arifin, M.T. as a lecturer and Advisor to Garuda UNY.
The Chancellor of Yogyakarta State University who welcomed this activity also hoped that the youth could later be taught courses such as short education. The young people who were interested in being trained were then able to set up workshops. Thus the problem of labor in the village can be resolved.
"I welcome it because this college must be integrated with the community, and one of the approaches to society is through community service." Said Bp. Prof. Dr. Sutrisna Wibawa, M.Pd. as Chancellor of Yogyakarta State University, Saturday (22/8/2020).
"With this activity it is enough to ease the burden on motorbike service costs." Said Maharani, a resident of Ngalang Village, Saturday (22/8/2020).
It is proven that this free service can lighten the burden and also help people in need. The Head of the Ngalang Village Village also expressed his gratitude for the activities carried out in the area. "I personally and the people in Kelurahan Ngalang are very happy and happy because there is a free service. At a minimum, it can ease the burden on the community, who should be served at a cost that is quite expensive, this can be given free social service activities. I express my gratitude and this is very useful and hopefully this program does not end here, and there will be other programs related to lightening the burden on the community. " Said Mr. Kaderi as the Head of the Ngalang Village Village Village. Mr. Kaderi also hopes that UNY will always be successful and be in the hearts of the people. "Then another advantage is that there is good communication, which beforehand becomes acquainted. Hopefully this introduction will be a blessing in itself for the people in Ngalang Village. " (Han)
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